Circulation Services
UCP library Circulation Services support library patrons with the location and circulation of library materials. Functions include check-outs and check-ins, renewal, reservations of materials and library fines related to overdue books. Circulation Services staff is available to help users with all procedures and rules regulations related to circulation services of UCP library.
Borrow services:
UCP Library offers borrowing services to its users. All information material except reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesis, reports, and final year projects can be borrowed as per defined limit and time. Circulation staff is glad to help out the library users for checking-out and returning the library material.
Reservation Services:
If your desired item is issued to another library member. You can reserve your desired book on Circulation desk. You requested reserved item will be held at circulation desk for 2 days, after that period they will be shelved or may be issued to anyone else.
Borrowing Rules
- Membership card is non-transferable.
- All enrolled students with valid UCP ID card are entitled to borrow library books. Books are issued for a certain period of time
Membership Category |
Borrowing Privileges |
Duration/Period |
Fine per Day |
Faculty(Regular) |
20 Books |
120 Days |
- |
Faculty (Visiting) |
10 Books |
15 Days |
- |
Staff-Admin & Lab |
10Books |
14 Days |
- |
Students |
3 Books |
14 Days |
10 rupees |
- Report a stolen or lost card immediately on library circulation desk. You are responsible for any library materials checked out on your card.
- Reserved books can be collected within 2 days of their return date from the circulation desk.
- Overdue fine is charged from the first overdue date/day.
- Books lost, defaced or damaged in any way, would need to be replaced by new ones by the borrowers; otherwise, borrower shall pay three times the cost of current market price, together with 25% as administration charges. The books paid for shall be written-off from the stock register. The price of rare book(s) shall be decided by the Director Libraries after getting the approval of the Pro Rector.
- Library material borrowed by any member is subject to be recalled any time, if needed by the library.
- The Director Libraries is authorized to withdraw library privileges from any member found misusing the library material or facilities.
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Contact us
- Library, University of Central Punjab
1 KhayabaneJinnah Road, Johar Town
Lahore 54600, Pakistan
Telephone No: 042-35880007
Ext. 536
EMail: refdesk.library@ucp.edu.pk
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