Faculty of Engineering
1. Journal of Mechanical design
2. Journal of Applied Mechanics
3. Journal of Fluid Engineering
4. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
UCP Business School
1. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
2. Journal of Marketing Research
3. Journal of International Marketing
4. Journal of Marketing
5. Academy of Management Journal
6. Academy of Management Review
Faculty of Life Sciences
1. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
2. Journal Of Biochemistry
3. New Biotechnology Journal
4. Pakistan Journal of Medical Science
5. Pakistan Journal Of Zoology
Journals for Physical Education
1. Sports Engineering
2. Quest Journal
3. Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy
4. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
5. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
6. Journal of Motor Behavior
7. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
8. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Faculty of Sciences (FAS)
Journals for Zoology
1. Science Immunology
2. Science Signaling
3. Journal of Applied Genetics
4. Journal of Biosciences
5. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
6. Mammal Research
7. Microbial Ecology
8. Virus Disease
Journals for Chemistry
1. AIChE Journal
2. The Chemical Engineering Journal
3. Food and Bio Product Processing
4. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
5. Inorganic Chemistry Communication
6. Vibrational Spectroscopy
7. Food Chemistry
8. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Science
Journals for Mathematics
1. Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
2. Theory of Probability and Its Applications
3. Journal on Applied Mathematics
4. Journal on Control and Optimization
5. Journal on Discrete Mathematics
6. Journal on Mathematical Analysis
7. Journal on Numerical Analysis
8. Journal on Optimization
Journals for Physics
1. Environmental Fluid Mechanics
2. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
3. Journal of Electronic Material
4. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources
5. Metals and Materials International
6. The Journal of Astronautical Science
7. Indian Journal of Physics
8. MRS Bulleti
Faculty of Pharmacy
1. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Online)
2. European Journal Of Pharmaceutics And Bio pharmaceutics
3. Drug Delivery
4. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Media & Communication Studies
1. Journal of Communication
- Communication, Culture & Critique
- Human Communication Research
- Communication Theory
2. Asia Journal of Communication
3. Media Arts
4. Journal of Developmental Communication.
5. Journal of Advertising
6. Journal of Public Relations Research
7. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising
8. Public Relations Review
9. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly
Faculty of Law
1. The Yale Law Journal
2. Stanford Law Review